Scopes on Site®
SAI provides a unique SOS® (Scopes On Site®) program for mobile microbiology analysis of spore traps and direct exams. Our convenient, personalized SOS® program is ideal for certain projects such as final clearances and other highly time-sensitive jobs. SOS® allows our clients to quickly obtain results that are imperative in effective decision making. This approach eliminates lost time associated with transporting samples to the laboratory and therefore permits the rapid return of analytical data to our clients.
All testing procedures are subject to the same rigorous quality assurance procedures as our fixed laboratory location—allowing us to confidently maintain our quality objectives. Upon completion of the analysis, an analytical report is provided on-site by a member of our SOS® team. The ability to make informed and accurate decisions in critical situations is only one of the advantages that are realized by our SOS® program.
- Travel time to the laboratory is eliminated.
- Rapid turnaround of analytical results allowing for immediate decisions in the field
- Eliminates the need to have costly personnel and equipment sit idle while they wait for data
- Quality on-site analysis results in significant cost and time savings.
- Ability to resample and retest immediately if necessary
- Flexible scheduling to meet the needs of our clients
- Exclusive availability of laboratory professional
For additional information about SOS® or to request a quote, please contact us.